limpeza cerâmica

How to clean my ceramics? Do’s and Dont’s.

limpeza cerâmica

We already know the weaknesses of earthenware when in contact with water. Also, we do know that some glazes may waterproof the piece while others don’t. But not waterproofing does not mean the piece may not be in contact with water, quite the opposite: water is the best resource to clean ceramics, there are just some indications of use and care one should consider to make sure that vase we love so much will live long in our house.


What not to do:

  • Don’t use dishwasher machine for earthenware. Even for regular waterproof glazes, the contact of running water with the foot rim (in the image) will cause the absorption of water and over time undermine the earthenware (rotting effect).
  • Do not wash the foot rim for too long, nor leave it exposed to running water.
  • In third firing glazes (read what are the different type of glazes) Do not use alcohol or other corrosive materials that may deteriorate the glaze.


What to do:

  • Use a wet towel to clean the piece.
  • When using direct water, do it quickly.
  • Metallic and some luster finishes imply extra care, once the metals in the glaze will naturally oxidize over time. Use a dried cloth towel and clean gently.
  • Finally, always read the manufacturer´s instructions, where special tips may be given.

See also: How does the biscuit, unglazed earthenware, reacts to water.