
Merit Award: 10 years later, the same commitment

On December 19, Arfai counts 13 years since the President of the Republic of Portugal visited the company on the occasion of the Merit Award 2005, that distinguished the company for the integration of disable workers. Ten years later, the company keeps an active role in the field of equality and inclusion promotion.

Back then, Cavaco Silva pointed Arfai as a reference of a socially responsible company that was able to recognize the disabled population as an “opportunity”.

Ten years later, in the same month of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities is commemorated, Arfai is proud to keep honoring this same commitment assumed towards equality and inclusion promotion, a commitment that managed together with the company’s business goals.

Nowadays, not only two of the three young disabled workers admitted on 2004/2005 are still working for the company, as more workers have been integrated during the following years. This dynamic is a result of the close cooperation established with CEERIA (Special Education, Rehabilitation and Integration Center of Alcobaça), a key local institution working on the support of people with disabilities and inabilities.

Know more about Arfai Social Responsibility Practices.